
From those who've seen our work first hand

Clients & Partners

Customer Testimonials

What a bloody pro. Will and I have worked together for many years across a handful of countries, experiencing many ludicrous situations together across various amazing productions. It's been one hell of a journey and I can't wait for it to continue. Will has this enviable power to be able to find a solution to almost any problem and will do so with enthusiasm, speed and creativity...and with an impressive google sheet. If I ever need a solid pair of hands to implement the trickiest of projects, or just someone to sound out a thought with, I'll absolutely call Will.

Suzanne Bannister, Global Head of Events Mission
Customer Testimonials

I've been lucky enough to have worked with Will across various global projects, over the past 7 years. There isn't a job or task Will can't do, whether he is on-site managing a complex build or navigating something as important as licensing in another country. He brings a positive, can-do attitude to everything he approaches. Will's practical persona offers a very safe pair of hands, when working with Will you know he'll find solutions that work for everyone, he has a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable and on top of this, he's an absolute pleasure to work with.

Stephanie Snell, Events Director Bompas & Parr
Customer Testimonials

Some of my favorite work happened only because I was able to partner with someone of Will's talent and expertise. I would give my left arm to get the chance to work with Will again. If you need to ask for detailed explanations about Will's background, message me and I can 100% tell you how much I trust and respect this man.

Merv Garretson, Group Creative Director Hearst Autos
Customer Testimonials

A true professional, the hardest worker, and one of the nicest guys around. Highly recommended.

Chris Lloyd, Creative Director Undercurrent Live
Customer Testimonials

In order to ensure that the projects were flawless and on time, he always surrounded himself with a great and reliable team. William knew his way around our organization and the industry, and did whatever it takes, within the rules, to get things done. He has a good sense of people’s capacities, and, as a loyal team member and great leader, brings out the best in those around him. He's also great at anticipating problems and solving them with strategic acumen.

Christophe Dessaigne, Global Executive Ambassador Supply
Customer Testimonials

William is a consummate organiser, brilliant with staff and an expert when delivering high class events both in England and Europe.

Adam Blackwood, Founder and Creative Director Private Drama
Customer Testimonials

In the 15 years I have had the pleasure of working with and knowing Will, you could not find a better event design or production specialist. His attention to detail and meticulous planning are unrivalled. It is no wonder he has travelled the world and planned and produced iconic events for global brands. You will not find a more sincere, honest professional, to represent your brand and take a concept idea and turn it into a reality at the highest order.

Chris Middleton, Security Director ABM
Customer Testimonials

I’ve worked with Will on a number of large scale events, and the production knowledge and energy he has brought has been second to none. He has 360 approach which ensure everything is considered and there are no onsite surprises. He also applies the same meticulous nature to all the backend elements on a project ensuring numbers stay within the budget! Also helps he’s fluent in french!

Delali Zotor, Project Director Seen Presents
Customer Testimonials

William is a superb Producer with a friendly and energetic approach to his work. He pays huge attention to detail, creativity & general project management & production from the beginning of a project to the very end. I have worked with Will on several large engagements over the past and I see him as one of life's caring, inspirational leaders who is professional in his dealings with clients and production team alike. He is some who puts his heart and soul into ensuring that the entire event runs seamlessly from beginning to end.

James Willing, Creative Producer Freelance
Customer Testimonials

Will has an extraordinary talent of delivering complex larges scale events at speed while paying attention to the most important details. His willingness to collaborate, share and teach benefits his peers and his problem solving is second to none which clients highly respect.

Kaash Seethi, Partnerships Abbey Road Studios