Krug: Krug Island

Osea Island, UK

Project Overview

At the end of the summer of 2016, Osea Island was re-branded as 'Krug Island' for the one-day music, food and Champagne event on 1 September. Guests were whisked away from London to the island for the experience, which included an overnight stay in luxury accommodation.

  • Completed: September 2016

Curated by Mick Jones

The musical line-up was curated by former Clash guitarist Mick Jones and included breakout artist Rationale, soloists Hollie Cook and Willow Robinson, and new band Sugarmen. Each performance was paired with different Krug Champagnes to reflect and enhance the experience, while culinary delights were created by Michael O’Hare of the Man Behind the Curtain.

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